Annual General Meeting
On 26 September 2023, we conducted an Annual General Meeting of our Association
Annual Report
It was incredibly heartwarming to meet all the members face-to-face. The Board has presented the Yearly Report of Association activities - we barely skimmed the surface of the incredible accomplishments our group has achieved throughout the year, yet everyone felt quite emotional when the Report brought back the memories of our previous activities.
We are happy to publish the Annual Report here in Finnish and Ukrainian versions:
Board re-election
The Board has presented annual financial statements and an action plan for the subsequent year before proceeding to the next Board elections.
As per the election results, the Association will further continue with the following Board structure:
Artem Shchepkin - Chairman
Vitaliy Zabolotskyy - Vice-Chairman
Natalia Lastovets - Treasurer
Mariia Zhyhyrt - Secretary
Viacheslav Hrinenko - Member
We are looking forward to conducting all the amazing projects and activities we have planned for the future!